News and Media

Please take a look at the news stories that feature research in our lab.

News about student mentoring and community outreach!
Sean Schoville received a 2024 Undergraduate Research Scholars Mentor award, and a 2023 Mentor Award in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities.

See story about Hannah Hagen!
See story about Mary Magnuson!
Here is Zach Cohen teaching kids about evolution!
Read about outreach in local schools here and here.

News about research on rapid evolutionary change
Read the 2022 UW press release by Eric Hamilton on the evolution of insecticide resistance in the super-pest, Colorado potato beetle.

As well as the 2018 press releases on the Colorado potato beetle genome evolution, including The Crux highlight on this study by Ernie Mastroianni in Discover Magazine.

News about alpine insects and climate change
Best Paper Award (2019-21) from the Royal Entomological Society.
Schoville, S.D., T.A. Bougie†, R.Y. Dudko, and MJ. Medeiros. 2019. Has past climate change effected cold-specialized species differentially through space and time? Systematic Entomology 44(3): 571-587. Link to article.

An interview about our paper on ecological selection on butterfly wing color pattern.
An overview of our butterfly research in Yosemite National Park.
An article by Brendan Borrell in Biographic on my favorite critters, the ice crawlers.
An article by Jonathan Brunt of the Spokesman-Review: our work protecting the Mt. Spokane ice crawlers.
An article by Kevin Barrett in the Whyfiles, featuring work at UW-Madison on climate science.
A Darwin Day documentary on species discovery in California, produced by Gabriela Quirós of KQED Science.


A feature on this new beetle species appeared in National Geographic France (02/2010)
An article by Letty Brown in the Berkeley Science Review.
An article by Carl Hall from the San Francisco Chronicle.