About Me:
Our future success will be built by broadening participation in science through service and research activities, and promoting equal opportunity in scientific fields. My life has been personally enriched by communities with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, and I hope to be a leader in enhancing opportunities for all students and community members to benefit from the academic excellence of the University of Wisconsin.
My research is inspired by the natural history of species and a fascination with how they overcome challenges in the natural world. You might find me in a wild, remote place observing nature, or just in the backyard! One of my main goals as a scientist is to cultivate this appreciation and passion for nature, in society at large.
I grew up in a rural part of San Diego, CA. I’ve always had a love of the outdoors, and my parents sparked my interest in travel when I was quite young. Though I went to college hoping to become a medical doctor, I took a field biology course that sent me on a different path. Here I am now (had you asked me, I would never have imagined becoming a professor of entomology).
2009, Ph.D. in Environmental Science Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley
2000, B.A. with Honors in Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
2000, B.A. in English Literature, University of California, Berkeley
For a copy of my curriculum vitae, please click here: Schoville_CV.